Tenneco Clean Air Indian Pvt. Ltd. is a part of the Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Industry. The Company manufactures and a market clean air products and technology and has 759 total employees across all of its locations.

Problem – L & L filed a suit against Tenneco India for infringement of copyright in artistic work in the drawings of a heat shield and for breach of confidential information contained therein at Khed District Court.

Solution – R K Dewan & Co. represented the Defendant, at the Khed District Court. L & L India obtained an ex-parte ad-interim injunction and appointment of Local Commissioner. The product was being designed and developed for a customer, for which the defendant paid valuable consideration to the plaintiff.

Outcome – Thus by invoking the appropriate provisions of the Copyright Act, R K Dewan & Co. defended the suit stating that ownership of copyright and confidential information at all times was that of the Defendant. R K Dewan & Co. also contended that the plaintiff was suppressing material documents and facts from the Court. The matter is now pending for hearing of the interlocutory relief.