AF Compressors, Ateliers François S.A. is a family owned company which roots are back to 1870 in Liège, Belgium. AF compressors has developed and produced reciprocating piston compressors for various industrial applications during decades. Today, and since the early years 2000 AF is the market leader for 3-stage oil free compressors for the PET bottling applications. With +7000 oil free compressors, 3 production centres, + 15 companies and + 20 official agencies, + 150 specialized technicians, AF ensures the best service to its customers in more than 185 different countries.

Problem – The client while conducting a routine visit to explore the possibility of empanelling a new Foundry for pouring cylinders came across a pattern and moulds that was found similar to cylinders that were poured for AF Compressors.

Solution – Suspecting that the pattern/mould was prepared on the basis of an existing drawing of the client (confidential information) R K Dewan & Co. advised, strategized and executed an action in form of a raid with the help of local police authorities at MIDC Kolhapur. Investigations revealed that the infringer was an ex-supplier of AF Compressors and was acting in complete breach of Confidentiality Agreement and thereby committing a copyright infringement and breach of contract.

Accordingly a criminal complained was logged and infringing patterns/moulds recovered by the police authorities during the raid were taken in police custody.

The matter is sub-judice before the judicial magistrate.

Outcome – The raid proved fruitful into tracing evidence of copyright infringement whereby a drawing which is an infringing copy of a technical drawing (in which the client has a registered copyright) was also recovered. This crucial piece of evidence can be used in the civil suit wherein the ex-employee of the client was also found to be violating the terms of his employment.